On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 8:38 PM, Brion Vibber <br...@pobox.com> wrote:
> Bug 24207 requests switching the math rendering preference default from its
> current setting (which usually produces a nice PNG and occasionally produces
> some kinda ugly HTML) to the "always render PNG" setting.

This would also close bugs:
* 25645: Improve decision when to render a formula as HTML (this
reporter complains about our PNG rendering including fonts)
* 26546: Option "MathML if possible" doesn't work
* 19177: XHTML parse error when using some math formulas (if we
convert to PNG-only you won't have XHTML garbage)

And may be related to:
* 15057: problems with forced PNG rendering (possibly a caching issue,
but does not seem to have been fixed)
* 17465: Port texvc to PHP, reducing external dependencies and
development impedence for Math extension (it would be easier to
mandate a particular solution if it was /our/ solution and perhaps
slightly less bad)
* 7208: Change font for texvc-generated images (if people think texvc
is ugly because of inconsistent fonts, that's easy enough to fix
before we make it the only option)
* 16719: Math hashes should include versioning to allow sensible
updates (this requires a schema change, so should probably be out for
a version or so to iron out the bugs before we really rely on it, but
it would be excellent if this was working before PNG rendering became
the only option, as it would make PNG rendering a much 'cleaner' only
option to have)

> I'd actually propose dropping the rendering options entirely...

Drop all of the preferences.

> It's conceivable that a few folks really honestly prefer to see the latex
> source in their graphical browsers (should at least do a quick stat check to
> see if anybody uses it on purpose), but I wouldn't mind removing that
> either.

Not likely, latex is hardly pretty, but it's easy enough to check
whether it's in use on WMF wikis. I'm not really up to date on the
release cycle but is seems really late to do this for 1.18, especially
given that we'll likely see a few more complaints about texvc's flow,
and it would be nice if there was time for someone to check on bugs
15057, 24445, and 16719.


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