
please, everyone calm down and honesty try harder to assume faith and
respect the capabilities of each other. Respect includes to avoid
terminology like "to bitch", "to sneak in", "stupid" when describing each
other's actions.

One good way is when you are angry about an email, step back, wait a day,
calm down, and answer only then. Since this matter is important, but not
urgent, there is nothing that requires quick responses. No one's going to
make a decision for all of us right away, so there is no need to reply
quickly and escalate.

I assume Ryan didn't mean to single out the Wikidata development team.
Other teams have done this as well -- the Translate extension depends on
ULS, CodeEditor depends on WikiEditor, Semantic Result Formats depends on
Semantic MediaWiki etc. I assume Ryan just choose Wikibase because it
exemplifies the symptoms so well. Ryan, please correct me if my assumptions
are wrong.

The reminder of this mail has two parts, first it tries to explain the
motivation of why the Wikidata dev team did things the way we did, and
second, it asks this list to please resolve the underlying actual issue.


The original message by Ryan lists the number of dependencies for Wikibase.
He lists, e.g. Scribunto as an extension.
The question is, how to avoid this dependency?
Should we move Scribunto to core?
Should we turn Scribunto and Wikibase into one extension?

The same for Babel and ULS, listed as optional extensions.

Another extension mentioned is Diff. Diff provides generic functionality
that can be used by different extensions.
It seems that in this case the suggestion that Ryan makes is to move it to
So shall we move functionality that more than one extension depend on
generally to core?

One of the reasons for DataValues, Ask and some others being in their own
extension is that they already are or are planned very soonish to be reused
in SMW.
Since it is suggested that generic functionality should be moved to core,
would that include functionality shared by Wikibase and SMW?
Or how else would we manage that shared code?

Another reason for having separate components like the WikibaseModel or
Diff is that they are not MediaWiki extensions, but pure PHP libraries.
Any PHP script can reuse them. Since the WikibaseModel is not trivial, this
should help with the writing of bots and scripts dealing with Wikidata data.
How should we handle such components?
Should they be moved to Wikibase and we require every script to depend on
the whole of Wikibase, and thus MediaWiki?

If you add everything needed by Wikibase into a single extension, how do
you ensure that no unnecessary dependencies creep in?
Is there a code-analyzer that can run as part of Jenkins that check that
the architecture is not being violated, and that parts of the code to not
introduce dependencies on other parts where they should not?
Separating such components allows us to check this part of the architecture
during CI, which is indeed extremely helpful.

I would indeed be very much interested in better solutions for these
questions than we currently have.

As Ryan said in his thread-opening email, "For legitimate library-like
extensions I have no constructive alternative, but there must be some sane
alternative to this."
A lot of the issues would be resolved if we had this constructive
alternative. The solution will likely also help to deal with the other
I hope it is understandable that I do not consider the time of the Wikidata
development well spent to replace our architecture with something else,
before we have agreed on what this something else should be.


I would be interested in answers to the above questions.
But maybe we really should concentrate on getting the actual question
resolved, which has been discussed on this list several times without
consensus, those that would allows us to answer the above questions
how should we deal with modularity, extensions, components, etc. in
I hope the answer is not "throw everything in core or into monolithical
extensions which do not have dependencies among each other", but let's see
what the discussion will bring. Once we have this answer, we can implement
the results. Until then I am not sure whether I found it productive to
single the Wikidata team out in the way we are doing things.

I do not think the Wikidata development team is anticipating and
predetermining answers to those questions, but in order for us to continue
develop we had to make some decisions for us. But we don't tell anyone else
how to do their job, and we try to stick to current consensus on how to do
things. And as soon as we have consensus, we will adopt. We did this
previously a few times, and I don't see why we should not do it again.


2013/7/22 Jeroen De Dauw <jeroended...@gmail.com>

> Hey,
> > Validator was rejected from being included in core
> I'm happy it did. The code was quite poor at that time (two years back?).
> And it still is not a hallmark of great design, though certainly not below
> average MW quality at this point. Regardless of that, I now think it is a
> bad idea to have it in core and would not petition to have it there in the
> future.
> > but now basically every extension you maintain uses it.
> Can you please look at objective reality first before making claims about
> how you would like the world to be so you can bitch about it? Not only are
> you overly simplifying things, you get simple facts plain wrong.
> Cheers
> --
> Jeroen De Dauw
> http://www.bn2vs.com
> Don't panic. Don't be evil. ~=[,,_,,]:3
> --
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