Am 17.09.2013 00:34, schrieb Gabriel Wicke:
> There *might* be, in theory. In practice I doubt that there are any
> articles starting with 'w/'. 

I count 10 on

> To avoid future conflicts, we should
> probably prefix private paths with an underscore as titles cannot start
> with it (and REST APIs often use it for special resources).

That would be better.

But still, I think this is a bad idea. Essentially, putting Articles at the root
of the domain mains hogging the domain as a namespace. Depending on what you
want to do with your wiki, this is not a good idea.

For insteancve, wikidata uses the /entity/ path for URIs representing things,
while the documents under /wiki/ are descriptions of these things. If page
content was located at the root, we'd have nasty namespace pollution.

Basically: page content is only one of the things a wiki may server. "Internal"
resources like CSS are another. But there may be much more, like structured
data. It's good to use prefixes to keep these apart.

-- daniel

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