On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 1:14 PM, Bryan Davis <bd...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Ubuntu Server LTS versions have 5 years of support, so 12.04 will not
> be EOL until April of 2017. PHP 5.3 will be EOL in July of 2014. I'm
> sure that 3 year difference will be a major pain point for the Ubuntu
> security team.

OK, so Ubuntu Server LTS will EOL in April 2017. Additionally, MediaWiki
1.23 LTS (our next release) is planned to EOL in May 2017. With that in
mind, I think it's fair to say that once 1.23 is released we will have the
opportunity to increase our PHP requirement.

I strongly recommend we do so. A list of nice things about 5.4 that we'd
definitely use:

   - Array literals
   - $this support in closures
   - Class member access based on expression
   - Class member access after instantiation
   - Function return value array dereferencing
   - The JsonSerializable interface
   - Improved parse_url() behavior

Of course there is traits as well, but that's more of an actual new
feature, and it will be a while before MediaWiki starts using traits

*-- *
*Tyler Romeo*
Stevens Institute of Technology, Class of 2016
Major in Computer Science
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