Hi everyone,

We're planning on making today's RFC office hour[1] a triage meeting (at my
request).  The agenda I'm planning to use is to (reasonably) quickly step
through the list of RFCs in the backlog column of the ArchCom-RFC board.  A
wiki copy of this is posted on mediawiki.org[3], which I invite edits to
(albeit with the usual risk of edit conflicts).

The goal of this meeting will be to get through as many of the RFCs, where
I give a gut check for what the priority is, y'all tell me how wrong I am,
and then I set the priority.

For those of you that can't make it, don't sweat it.  Nothing is set in
stone; Phab tickets are easy enough to edit.  Furthermore, I'd like to
experiment with using a Phab Conpherence room for ongoing triage: Phab:Z425
[4].  Conpherence rooms are a bit more persistent than IRC conversations,
are cognitively cheaper to set up and use than mailing lists, and they
integrate nicely with Phab.  If there's a comment about something we do in
the E187 meeting that you wish you had been there to make, and you don't
feel it's appropriate for a wikitech-l posting, the Z425 Conpherence room
is a great place to make your comment.

I'm looking forward to chatting with y'all!


[1] E187: RFC Meeting: triage meeting (2016-05-25, #wikimedia-office)
[2] #ArchCom-RFC board: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/archcom-rfc/
[3] Preliminary ordered list of items for triage:
[4]: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/Z425
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