Hi everyone,

This week's ArchCom Office Hour[1] is going to be about a
long-neglected item: giving credit where credit's due in the CREDITS
file (Jon Robson's T139300 proposal[2]).  Jon and I spoke about it
earlier today; he's not sure he can be there, and this is a meeting
where I would have hoped to have done more prep, but I'm hoping we can
at least come to a better collective understanding for the people at
the meeting.

The reason why this isn't as easy as it looks on the surface is
because the COPYING file notes: "MediaWiki contributors, including
those listed in the CREDITS file, hold the copyright to this work."

The fact that I hadn't gotten around to consulting our Legal
department made me very, very tempted to call off the meeting this
week.  But I think maybe instead it'll be the "what does the
wikitech-l community want RobLa to go ask Legal about" meeting.  :-)
Let's figure out what our viable options are.

I took the liberty of taking the prose in T139300, and adapting it to
wiki page[3].  We can conceivably use this as a space to figure out
what we want the policy page to say.

Our meeting is the same time as always (Wednesday 21 UTC, 14 PDT, 23
CEST) and place (#wikimedia-office).


p.s.  Obligatory reminder about ArchComStatus page[4]

[1]: <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/E316>
[2]: <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T139300>
[3]: <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Requests_for_comment/CREDITS>
[4]: <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/ArchComStatus>

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