On 20/01/2013 20:35, kmx wrote:
Hi Lyle,

The main reason is probably no demand for such a thing (+ other reasons like complicated build procedure, license agreements for Oracle stuff ...)

I came across a few posts from people getting stuck trying to get it working with Strawberry. So I guess there is some demand. Looks like a lot of people are just giving up an installing ActivePerl instead.

If you are willing to spend some time on testing I can include DBD::Oracle (in "ActivePerl way") in the next strawberry perl release.

I'll give this a go. However, I'm just finishing my dissertation so might not be able to do much for about 3 months.

I have prepared pre-build distributions - for Strawberry Perl 5.16.2.x (32/64bit), linked with Oracle Instant Client http://strawberryperl.com/package/kmx/perl-modules-par/DBD-Oracle-1.56-MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-5.16.2.par http://strawberryperl.com/package/kmx/perl-modules-par/DBD-Oracle-1.56-MSWin32-x64-multi-thread-5.16.2.par

You can install them into strawberry perl simply by running:
c:\> pip <par_file_url>

You also need Oracle Instant Client + put it in your PATH (it might also work with other versions) - no SDK, just Client

It would be nice if you can install + test the above mentioned *.par with a real Oracle DB.

I only have Oracle 10g & 11g XE. But if it worked with them I don't see any reason why it wouldn't with a full version.


On 20.1.2013 20:18, Lyle wrote:
Hi All,
I noticed Strawberry didn't come with DBD::Oracle. What was the reason for that?

I've just built DBD::Oracle on Windows 7 with Perl 5.16.2 x64 with all tests passing. I added how I did it as comments to the Pythan article here: http://www.pythian.com/news/11115/dbdoracle-and-windows-64bit/#comment-1385661

I can see that this has been in RT for a while:

ActivePerl ships with DBD::Oracle, although you have to download the client libraries yourself. This would appear to be the only feasible way forward. As it stands people are either having to: 1) Download the DBD::Oracle sources, download the client libraries, compile and build. This is time consuming, especially if you want the tests to pass as the documentation isn't clear. 2) Download the ActivePerl ppm, download the client libraries, hope you have the right client libraries and the path set right so it works.

If Strawberry Perl came with DBD::Oracle and clear instructions on how to install the client libraries, or better still, the installer had an option for downloading and installing them for you, I think that would be best.



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