On Wed, 5 Apr 2000, Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:

> Francois Gouget <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >[...]
> >> In Windows you can have both forward and back slashes in a path name.
> >> Mixing them in the path is absolutely no problem and works just fine.
> Application which doesn't expect to find both types of slashes
> should be considered buggy and should be fixed.
> It doesn't matter, whether "the real" GetFullPathName leaves forward
> slashes or not. This behaviour is "implementation specific".

    One could also argue that it maybe it's the documentation which is
incorrect/incomplete in that it does not say anything about the slash

    I agree that it is best to fix the application when possible (here
it might be). But in any case this is not the first time that we have to
deal with buggy applications and that we have to accomodate them. 

    We cannot fix all the buggy applications that are out there and
saying 'your application is buggy, this is why it does not run in Wine'
does not sound like a very good answer (ok, here it's a developper but
one day it will be a user if we don't do anything).

Francois Gouget         [EMAIL PROTECTED]        http://fgouget.free.fr/
        It really galls me that most of the computer power in the world
                          is wasted on screen savers.
                     Chris Caldwell from the GIMPS project

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