At 12:50 PM 9/15/00 -0400, you wrote:

I have actually looked further at your patch and my first patch is
not correct. In fact, while a 'true' child window can not be made
ws_ex_topmost, a 'child of the desktop' can (useless as it is)
And I failed to notice that the call setting the combolbox topmost
was actually ... Wine internal code :-))

[I don't use +relay in this trace because it change the program
execution in this case; there is no problem if I use relay tracing :-((((]

I start from there :
hwnd              wndPtr  queue  Class Name         Style    WndProc Text
008c             40345b18 0257   #32769            16000000 40ca02bc <null>
 02fc            40345d88 0257   TSwatForm         16ca0000 40ca07a8 L"Swat!"
 0540            40345fcc 0257   TOptionsDlg       86c80000 40ca0898 L"Options"
 043c            40345ec8 0257   TAboutBox         86c80000 40ca0820 L"About"
 0270            40345cfc 0257   TPUtilWindow      84000000 40ca0730 L""
 0130            40345bbc 0257   TApplication      94ca0000 40ca06b8 L"Swat!"    

Then I open the menu for TSwatForm:

trace:win:WINPOS_WindowFromPoint scope 02fc 293,101
trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx #0000 "#32768" 00000008 80000000 260,103 97x59 02fc 0000 
00400000 0x234
trace:win:WINPOS_SendNCCalcSize 260,103-357,162
trace:win:WIN_SetWindowLong 644=0x403460d0 0 234 2
trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx created window 0644
trace:win:SetWindowPos >>>hwnd 0644, ins 0000 swp (0,0)-(0,0) flags 00000053
trace:win:SetWindowPos  current (260,103)-(357,162), style 84000000
warn:win:SWP_DoOwnedPopups (0644) hInsertAfter = 0000     

Then I select the menu item for opening TOptionsDlg,
the following code is run (I have added a trace) :

            /* find the first non-topmost window */
            for (wndTemp = WIN_LockWndPtr(WIN_GetDesktop()->child); wndTemp;
              TRACE("TOP: wnd=%x visible=%s top=%s\n", wndTemp->hwndSelf,
                  (wndTemp->dwStyle & WS_VISIBLE)? "Yes":"No",
                  (wndTemp->dwExStyle  & WS_EX_TOPMOST) ? "Yes":"No");
              if (!(wndTemp->dwExStyle & WS_EX_TOPMOST))
                /* this is a topmost window, place the window after this one */
                hwndInsertAfter = wndTemp->hwndSelf;
                TRACE("the top window is a topmost window(hwnd=%x, 
                      wndPtr->hwndSelf, hwndInsertAfter);

trace:win:ShowWindow hwnd=0540, cmd=1
trace:win:SetWindowPos >>>hwnd 0540, ins 0000 swp (0,0)-(0,0) flags 00000063
trace:win:SetWindowPos  current (208,183)-(592,416), style 86c80000
warn:win:SWP_DoOwnedPopups (0540) hInsertAfter = 0000
trace:win:WINPOS_SendNCCalcSize 208,183-592,416
trace:win:SetWindowPos A non topmost window(hwnd=540) is placed at the top
trace:win:SetWindowPos TOP: wnd=644 visible=No top=Yes
trace:win:SetWindowPos the top window is a topmost window(hwnd=540, 
trace:win:SetWindowPos TOP: wnd=2fc visible=Yes top=No
trace:event:EVENT_ProcessAllEvents called (thread 80c3330).
trace:win:X11DRV_WND_SetZOrder restack 540 over 644
trace:event:EVENT_ProcessAllEvents called (thread 80c3330).
trace:event:EVENT_ProcessAllEvents called (thread 8064b80).
trace:win:WINPOS_SetActiveWindow (0540, 0, 1)
trace:win:SetWindowPos  status flags = 1863
trace:event:EVENT_ProcessAllEvents called (thread 80c3330).
trace:event:EVENT_ProcessAllEvents called (thread 8064b80).
trace:win:SetWindowPos <<<<hwnd 0540, swp (0,0)-(0,0) flags 00000063
trace:win:SetWindowPos >>>hwnd 0540, ins 0000 swp (0,0)-(0,0) flags 00000003
trace:win:SetWindowPos  current (208,183)-(592,416), style 96c80000
warn:win:SWP_DoOwnedPopups (0540) hInsertAfter = 0000
trace:win:SetWindowPos A non topmost window(hwnd=540) is placed at the top
trace:win:SetWindowPos TOP: wnd=644 visible=No top=Yes
trace:win:SetWindowPos the top window is a topmost window(hwnd=540, 
trace:win:SetWindowPos TOP: wnd=540 visible=Yes top=No
trace:event:EVENT_ProcessAllEvents called (thread 80c3330).
trace:win:X11DRV_WND_SetZOrder restack 540 over 644
trace:event:EVENT_ProcessAllEvents called (thread 80c3330)

As you can see (I have also added trace in XSetWindowPos), 
your last patch is doing restacking with unmapped windows :-)
While it does not crash *my* X server, this kind of call seems
to not produce any effect for me.

In my other failing app, the problem was  similar but the app was 
trying to set a window before a combolbox (hidden, of course).

The following patch fixes both my failing apps, but is it 
correct ? Probably it should be done at the X SetWindowPos
level instead, but I'm not sure, these 'Z-order + visible' problems
are complex :-(

@@ -2737,7 +2737,7 @@
              if (!(wndTemp->dwExStyle & WS_EX_TOPMOST))
-             else
+             else if (wndTemp->dwStyle & WS_VISIBLE)
                /* this is a topmost window, place the window after this one */
                 hwndInsertAfter = wndTemp->hwndSelf;        

OTOH, I have tried to reimplement your rejected patch on zero-size
windows; the attached patch tries to tackle the same problem in the X-driver

I have changed the presentation of your code because I found difficult to wrap
my small brain around it and added a feature to reset the z-order when a window
is reordered while not being mapped.

This patch fixes my 2 not-yet-broken apps, fixes Lotus Notes, fixes also 2 other
problems of managed mode (pseudotooltips of ForteFreeAgent, pseudo 
combos of the open dialog box of WordViewer 16 bits). OTOH it probably
breaks lots of other applications :-)

Index: include/x11drv.h
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/include/x11drv.h,v
retrieving revision 1.59
diff -u -r1.59 x11drv.h
--- include/x11drv.h    2000/08/19 21:38:56     1.59
+++ include/x11drv.h    2000/09/17 15:47:16
@@ -391,7 +391,11 @@
   HBITMAP hWMIconBitmap;
   HBITMAP hWMIconMask;
   int bit_gravity;
+  int flags;
+#define MappedWindow 1
+#define ZOrderNeeded 2
 extern Window X11DRV_WND_GetXWindow(struct tagWND *wndPtr);
 extern Window X11DRV_WND_FindXWindow(struct tagWND *wndPtr);
Index: windows/x11drv/wnd.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/windows/x11drv/wnd.c,v
retrieving revision 1.58
diff -u -r1.58 wnd.c
--- windows/x11drv/wnd.c        2000/08/19 21:38:56     1.58
+++ windows/x11drv/wnd.c        2000/09/17 15:47:36
@@ -132,6 +132,8 @@
         return FALSE;
+#define ISZEROSIZE(wnd) X11DRV_WND_IsZeroSizeWnd(wnd)
  *             X11DRV_WND_Initialize
@@ -143,6 +145,7 @@
   wndPtr->pDriverData = (void *) pWndDriverData;
   pWndDriverData->window = 0;
+  pWndDriverData->flags = 0;
@@ -549,7 +554,7 @@
   XWindowChanges winChanges;
   WND *wndPrev,*pDesktop = WIN_GetDesktop();
-  if (X11DRV_WND_IsZeroSizeWnd(wndPtr))
+  if (ISZEROSIZE( wndPtr ))
@@ -568,7 +573,7 @@
   winChanges.stack_mode = Above;
   while (wndPtr)
-      if ( !X11DRV_WND_IsZeroSizeWnd(wndPtr) && X11DRV_WND_GetXWindow(wndPtr) )       
+      if ( !ISZEROSIZE(wndPtr) && X11DRV_WND_GetXWindow(wndPtr) )         
          TSXReconfigureWMWindow( display, X11DRV_WND_GetXWindow(wndPtr), 0,
                                CWStackMode, &winChanges );
@@ -608,8 +613,181 @@
+ *           X11DRV_WND_SetSize
+ *
+ * Set size for X native windows - Internal
+ */
+void X11DRV_WND_SetSize(WND *winposPtr, const WINDOWPOS *winpos, int *changeMask,
+                        XWindowChanges *winChanges)
+  winChanges->width     = (winpos->cx > 0 ) ? winpos->cx : 1;
+  winChanges->height    = (winpos->cy > 0 ) ? winpos->cy : 1;
+  *changeMask |= CWWidth | CWHeight;
+  /* Tweak dialog window size hints */
+  if ((winposPtr->flags & WIN_MANAGED) &&
+      HAS_DLGFRAME(winposPtr->dwStyle,winposPtr->dwExStyle))
+  {
+    XSizeHints *size_hints = TSXAllocSizeHints();
+    if (size_hints)
+    {
+      long supplied_return;
+      TSXGetWMSizeHints( display, X11DRV_WND_GetXWindow(winposPtr), size_hints,
+                        &supplied_return, XA_WM_NORMAL_HINTS);
+      size_hints->min_width = size_hints->max_width = winpos->cx;
+      size_hints->min_height = size_hints->max_height = winpos->cy;
+      TSXSetWMSizeHints( display, X11DRV_WND_GetXWindow(winposPtr), size_hints,
+                        XA_WM_NORMAL_HINTS );
+      TSXFree(size_hints);
+    }
+  }
+ *           X11DRV_WND_SetZOrder
+ *
+ * Set z order for X native windows - Internal
+ */
+void X11DRV_WND_SetZOrder(WND *winposPtr, const WINDOWPOS *winpos, int *changeMask,
+                          XWindowChanges *winChanges)
+    winChanges->stack_mode = Below;
+    *changeMask |= CWStackMode;
+    if (winpos->hwndInsertAfter == HWND_TOP)
+    {
+        winChanges->stack_mode = Above;
+        TRACE("restack %x above\n", winposPtr->hwndSelf);
+    }
+    else if (winpos->hwndInsertAfter != HWND_BOTTOM)
+    {
+        WND*   insertPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr( winpos->hwndInsertAfter );
+        Window stack[2];
+        /* If the window where we should do the insert is zero-sized (not mapped)
+        don't use this window since it will possibly crash the X server,
+        use the "non zero-sized" window above */ 
+        if (!(insertPtr->dwStyle & WS_VISIBLE) || (ISZEROSIZE(insertPtr)))
+        {
+            /* find the window on top of the zero sized window */ 
+            WND *pDesktop = WIN_GetDesktop();
+            WND *wndPrev = pDesktop->child;
+            WND *wndZeroSized = insertPtr;
+            ((X11DRV_WND_DATA*)insertPtr->pDriverData)->flags |= ZOrderNeeded;
+            while (1)
+            {
+                if (wndPrev == wndZeroSized)
+                    break;  /* zero-sized window is on top */
+                while (wndPrev && (wndPrev->next != wndZeroSized))
+                    wndPrev = wndPrev->next;
+                /* check if the window found is not zero-sized */
+                if (ISZEROSIZE(wndPrev))
+                {
+                     wndZeroSized = wndPrev; /* restart the search */
+                     wndPrev = pDesktop->child;
+                }
+            else
+                break;   /* "above" window is found */
+            }
+            WIN_ReleaseDesktop();
+            if (wndPrev == wndZeroSized)
+            {
+                /* the zero-sized window is on top */
+                /* so set the window on top */
+                TRACE("restack %x above\n", winposPtr->hwndSelf);
+                winChanges->stack_mode = Above;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                stack[0] = X11DRV_WND_FindDesktopXWindow( wndPrev );
+                stack[1] = X11DRV_WND_FindDesktopXWindow( winposPtr );
+                TRACE("restack %x over %x\n", winposPtr->hwndSelf, wndPrev->hwndSelf);
+                TSXRestackWindows(display, stack, 2);
+                *changeMask &= ~CWStackMode;
+            }
+        }
+        else  /* Normal behavior, windows are not zero-sized */
+        {
+            stack[0] = X11DRV_WND_FindDesktopXWindow( insertPtr );
+            stack[1] = X11DRV_WND_FindDesktopXWindow( winposPtr );
+            TRACE("restack %x over %x\n", winposPtr->hwndSelf, insertPtr->hwndSelf);
+            TSXRestackWindows(display, stack, 2);
+            *changeMask &= ~CWStackMode;
+        }
+        WIN_ReleaseWndPtr(insertPtr);
+    }
+ *           X11DRV_WND_MapWindow
+ *
+ * map a window - Internal
+ */
+void X11DRV_WND_MapWindow(WND *wndPtr)
+    Window w;
+    X11DRV_WND_DATA *data;
+    if (!(w = X11DRV_WND_GetXWindow(wndPtr))) return;
+    TSXMapWindow( display, w );
+    data = ((X11DRV_WND_DATA*)wndPtr->pDriverData);
+    data->flags |= MappedWindow;
+    TRACE("map %x\n", wndPtr->hwndSelf);
+    if (data->flags & ZOrderNeeded)
+    { /* need to reset the zorder after showing the window */
+        WND *p = wndPtr->parent? wndPtr->parent->child:NULL;
+        data->flags &= ~ZOrderNeeded;
+        /* search previous window */
+        while (p && (p != wndPtr) && (p->next != wndPtr))
+             p = p->next;
+        if (p)
+        {
+            int changeMask = 0;
+            XWindowChanges winChanges;
+            WINDOWPOS winpos;
+            if (p == wndPtr)
+                winpos.hwndInsertAfter = HWND_TOP;
+            else
+                winpos.hwndInsertAfter = p->next->hwndSelf;
+            winpos.flags = SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE;
+            X11DRV_WND_SetZOrder(wndPtr, &winpos, &changeMask, &winChanges);
+            if (changeMask && w)
+                TSXReconfigureWMWindow( display, w, 0, changeMask, &winChanges );
+            TRACE("reset zorder %x\n", wndPtr->hwndSelf);
+        }
+    }
+ *           X11DRV_WND_UnMapWindow
+ *
+ * Unmap a window - Internal
+ */
+void X11DRV_WND_UnmapWindow(WND *wndPtr)
+    Window w;
+    if (!(w = X11DRV_WND_GetXWindow(wndPtr))) return;
+    TSXUnmapWindow( display, w );
+    ((X11DRV_WND_DATA*)wndPtr->pDriverData)->flags &= ~MappedWindow;
+    TRACE("unmap %x\n", wndPtr->hwndSelf);
- *           WINPOS_SetXWindowPos
+ *           X11DRV_WND_SetWindowPos
  * SetWindowPos() for an X window. Used by the real SetWindowPos().
@@ -623,147 +801,54 @@
     if ( !winposPtr ) return;
     /* find out if after this function we will end out with a zero-size window */
-    if (X11DRV_WND_IsZeroSizeWnd(winposPtr))
+    if (ISZEROSIZE(winposPtr))
+        isZeroSizeWnd = TRUE;
+    else if ( !(winpos->flags & SWP_NOSIZE) &&
+               (winposPtr->dwStyle & WS_VISIBLE) &&
+              !(winpos->flags & SWP_HIDEWINDOW) &&
+              !(winpos->flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW) )
-        /* if current size is 0, and no resizing */
-        if (winpos->flags & SWP_NOSIZE)
-            isZeroSizeWnd = TRUE;
-        else if ((winpos->cx > 0) && (winpos->cy > 0)) 
-        {
-            /* if this function is setting a new size > 0 for the window, we
-               should map the window if WS_VISIBLE is set */
-            if ((winposPtr->dwStyle & WS_VISIBLE) && !(winpos->flags & 
-                forceMapWindow = TRUE;
-        }
+        /* check if the window is mapped
+           if not it means, it was a zero-sized window and
+           it needs to be forced to be mapped */
+        if (!(((X11DRV_WND_DATA *)winposPtr->pDriverData)->flags & MappedWindow))
+            forceMapWindow = TRUE;      
     /* if resizing to 0 */
     if ( !(winpos->flags & SWP_NOSIZE) && ((winpos->cx <= 0) || (winpos->cy <= 0)) )
             isZeroSizeWnd = TRUE;
     if(!wndPtr->hwndSelf) wndPtr = NULL; /* FIXME: WND destroyed, shouldn't happen!!! 
+    if (isZeroSizeWnd) 
+        ((X11DRV_WND_DATA *)winposPtr->pDriverData)->flags |= ZOrderNeeded;
     if (!(winpos->flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW) && (winpos->flags & SWP_HIDEWINDOW))
-    {
-      if(X11DRV_WND_GetXWindow(wndPtr)) 
-       TSXUnmapWindow( display, X11DRV_WND_GetXWindow(wndPtr) );
-    }
+        X11DRV_WND_UnmapWindow( wndPtr );
-       if ( !(winpos->flags & SWP_NOSIZE))
-       {
-         winChanges.width     = (winpos->cx > 0 ) ? winpos->cx : 1;
-         winChanges.height    = (winpos->cy > 0 ) ? winpos->cy : 1;
-         changeMask |= CWWidth | CWHeight;
-         /* Tweak dialog window size hints */
-         if ((winposPtr->flags & WIN_MANAGED) &&
-               HAS_DLGFRAME(winposPtr->dwStyle,winposPtr->dwExStyle))
-           {
-             XSizeHints *size_hints = TSXAllocSizeHints();
-             if (size_hints)
-               {
-                 long supplied_return;
-                 TSXGetWMSizeHints( display, X11DRV_WND_GetXWindow(winposPtr), 
-                                    &supplied_return, XA_WM_NORMAL_HINTS);
-                 size_hints->min_width = size_hints->max_width = winpos->cx;
-                 size_hints->min_height = size_hints->max_height = winpos->cy;
-                 TSXSetWMSizeHints( display, X11DRV_WND_GetXWindow(winposPtr), 
-                                    XA_WM_NORMAL_HINTS );
-                 TSXFree(size_hints);
-               }
-           }
-       }
-       if (!(winpos->flags & SWP_NOMOVE))
-       {
-         winChanges.x = winpos->x;
-         winChanges.y = winpos->y;
-         changeMask |= CWX | CWY;
-       }
-       if (!(winpos->flags & SWP_NOZORDER) && !isZeroSizeWnd)
-       {
-         winChanges.stack_mode = Below;
-         changeMask |= CWStackMode;
-         if (winpos->hwndInsertAfter == HWND_TOP) winChanges.stack_mode = Above;
-         else if (winpos->hwndInsertAfter != HWND_BOTTOM)
-           {
-             WND*   insertPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr( winpos->hwndInsertAfter );
-             Window stack[2];
-          /* If the window where we should do the insert is zero-sized (not mapped)
-             don't used this window since it will possibly crash the X server,
-             use the "non zero-sized" window above */ 
-             if (X11DRV_WND_IsZeroSizeWnd(insertPtr))
-          {
-              /* find the window on top of the zero sized window */ 
-              WND *pDesktop = WIN_GetDesktop();
-              WND *wndPrev = pDesktop->child;
-              WND *wndZeroSized = insertPtr;
-              while (1)
-              {
-                  if (wndPrev == wndZeroSized)
-                      break;  /* zero-sized window is on top */
-                  while (wndPrev && (wndPrev->next != wndZeroSized))
-                      wndPrev = wndPrev->next;
-                  /* check if the window found is not zero-sized */
-                  if (X11DRV_WND_IsZeroSizeWnd(wndPrev))
-                  {
-                      wndZeroSized = wndPrev; /* restart the search */
-                      wndPrev = pDesktop->child;
-                  }
-                  else
-                      break;   /* "above" window is found */
-              }
-              WIN_ReleaseDesktop();
-              if (wndPrev == wndZeroSized)
-              {
-                  /* the zero-sized window is on top */
-                  /* so set the window on top */
-                  winChanges.stack_mode = Above;
-              }
-              else
-              {
-                  stack[0] = X11DRV_WND_FindDesktopXWindow( wndPrev );
-                  stack[1] = X11DRV_WND_FindDesktopXWindow( winposPtr );
-                  TSXRestackWindows(display, stack, 2);
-                  changeMask &= ~CWStackMode;
-              }
-          }
-          else  /* Normal behavior, windows are not zero-sized */
-          {
-              stack[0] = X11DRV_WND_FindDesktopXWindow( insertPtr );
-              stack[1] = X11DRV_WND_FindDesktopXWindow( winposPtr );
-                 TSXRestackWindows(display, stack, 2);
-                 changeMask &= ~CWStackMode;
-          }
-          WIN_ReleaseWndPtr(insertPtr);
-           }
-       }
-       if (changeMask && X11DRV_WND_GetXWindow(winposPtr))
-       {
-           TSXReconfigureWMWindow( display, X11DRV_WND_GetXWindow(winposPtr), 0, 
changeMask, &winChanges );
-           if( winposPtr->class->style & (CS_VREDRAW | CS_HREDRAW) )
-               X11DRV_WND_SetHostAttr( winposPtr, HAK_BITGRAVITY, BGForget );
-       }
+        if ( !(winpos->flags & SWP_NOSIZE))
+            X11DRV_WND_SetSize(winposPtr, winpos, &changeMask, &winChanges);
+        if (!(winpos->flags & SWP_NOMOVE))
+        {
+            winChanges.x = winpos->x;
+            winChanges.y = winpos->y;
+            changeMask |= CWX | CWY;
+        }
+        if (!(winpos->flags & SWP_NOZORDER) && !isZeroSizeWnd)
+            X11DRV_WND_SetZOrder(winposPtr, winpos, &changeMask, &winChanges);
+        if (changeMask && X11DRV_WND_GetXWindow(winposPtr))
+        {
+            TSXReconfigureWMWindow( display, X11DRV_WND_GetXWindow(winposPtr), 0, 
+changeMask, &winChanges );
+            if( winposPtr->class->style & (CS_VREDRAW | CS_HREDRAW) )
+                X11DRV_WND_SetHostAttr( winposPtr, HAK_BITGRAVITY, BGForget );
+        }
-    /* don't map the window if it's a zero size window */
+    /* map the window unless it's a zero size window */
     if ( ((winpos->flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW) && !isZeroSizeWnd) || forceMapWindow )
-    {
-       if(X11DRV_WND_GetXWindow(wndPtr)) 
-          TSXMapWindow( display, X11DRV_WND_GetXWindow(wndPtr) );
-    }
+        X11DRV_WND_MapWindow(wndPtr);
@@ -812,7 +897,7 @@
   Window win;
   WND *w = wndPtr;
-  if (X11DRV_WND_IsZeroSizeWnd(wndPtr))
+  if (ISZEROSIZE(wndPtr))
   /* Only mess with the X focus if there's */
@@ -1035,7 +1120,7 @@
        case HAK_ICONICSTATE: /* called when a window is minimized/restored */
             /* don't do anything if it'a zero size window */ 
-            if (X11DRV_WND_IsZeroSizeWnd(wnd))
+            if (ISZEROSIZE(wnd))
                 return TRUE;
                    if( (wnd->flags & WIN_MANAGED) )
@@ -1076,7 +1161,7 @@
                                XEvent xe;
-                               TSXMapWindow(display, w );
+                               X11DRV_WND_MapWindow( wnd );
                                while( !TSXCheckTypedWindowEvent( display, w, 
MapNotify, &xe) );

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