I finally found some time to make a quick test of your winsock patch.
There's two problems:

 * Some symbols are only provided in their prefixed form so Winelib
applications don't compile:

   Is it really necessary to prefix them with WS_? If yes then how
should we handle this? It looks like we'll have to systematically
duplicate the definitions and choose based on __WINE__.

 * Other symbols are missing altogether:
   PF_INET, getsockname, setsockopt, getsockopt, bind, ioctl, listen,
shutdown, accept, INADDR_ANY, INADDR_BROADCAST, recvfrom, sendto,

 * Some types are incomplete, e.g. (just?) SOCKADDR_IN because it is a
typedef to sockaddr_in but we define ws_sockaddr_in.

   At least that's what I saw when I tried compiling sockcore.cpp from
the MFC. Ah, and Wine does not compile any more (my fault for waiting
too long). I guess the patch will need an update.

   I'm not sure but I think some things are not binary compatible
between sockets and winsocks (FD_SET?).
   Should we provide two winsock.h headers? One for use with Unix
sockets (and then one must not import ws2_32) and one for use with the
Wine sockets?

Francois Gouget         [EMAIL PROTECTED]        http://fgouget.free.fr/
The nice thing about meditation is that it makes doing nothing quite respectable
                                  -- Paul Dean

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