On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 3:34 PM, Alex Villací­s Lasso
> This patch adds a few tests for scrollbar behavior in Windows. It shows that
> if the window was created with at least WS_VSCROLL or WS_HSCROLL styles,
> WinXP returns default information for scrollbar range, but Win98 returns an
> error, until first initialized. This error does not change if styles are set
> or cleared before initializing ranges. On both versions, setting either
> scrollbar range automatically initializes both if required (Wine still
> returned error for the other scrollbar - fix included). I have tried to test
> this on Win98 and WinXP-SP2, but maybe other versions are different. Could
> you please test this patch? Also, is it OK to tell apart Win9x vs. WinXP
> behavior in the way it is done in this patch? Once either behavior is
> identified, it is consistent on all future tests, as shown by the tests.
> Wine fixed to implement Win98 behavior.

Why in the world would you implement Win98 behavior over WinXP,
especially since the WinXP behavior is more logical and (probably,
haven't looked) stated on msdn?

+    if (!(hBarEnabled || vBarEnabled)) {
+        ok(!r2, "GetScrollInfo incorrectly succeeded\n");
+        ok((   r == ERROR_NO_SCROLLBARS /* WinXP */
+            || r == 0xdeadbeef          /* Win98 */ ),
+            "GetLastError returned 0x%08lx expected 0x%08x
(ERROR_NO_SCROLLBARS or 0xdeadbeef)\n",
+            r, ERROR_NO_SCROLLBARS);

That's hideous spacing just for the sake of lining up some error codes.

+        ok(si.nMin == 0xdeadbeef, "si.nMin == 0x%x, expected
0xdeadbeef\n", si.nMin);
+        ok(si.nMax == 0xdeadbeef, "si.nMax == 0x%x, expected
0xdeadbeef\n", si.nMax);
+        ok(si.nPos == 0xdeadbeef, "si.nPos == 0x%x, expected
0xdeadbeef\n", si.nPos);
+        ok(si.nPage == 0xdeadbeef, "si.nPage == 0x%x, expected
0xdeadbeef\n", si.nPage);
+        if (r == ERROR_NO_SCROLLBARS) behavior_winxp = TRUE;
+        if (r == 0xdeadbeef) behavior_win98 = TRUE;
+    } else {
+        if (r2) {
+            ok(si.nMin == 0, "si.nMin == %d, expected 0\n", si.nMin);
+            ok(si.nMax == 100, "si.nMax == %d, expected 100\n", si.nMax);
+            ok(si.nPos == 0, "si.nPos == %d, expected 0\n", si.nPos);
+            ok(si.nPage == 0, "si.nPage == %d, expected 0\n", si.nPage);
+            behavior_winxp = TRUE;
+        } else {
+            ok(r == 0xdeadbeef, "GetScrollInfo failed, error is %ld
(0x%08lx) expected 0xdeadbeef\n", r, r);
+            behavior_win98 = TRUE;
+        }
+    }

This is seriously complex (in a bad way).  I think you've tried to
factor too much into one function.  You don't need to set and check
the version, just test for both cases that are expected, like all the
other tests:

ok(si.nMin == 0 ||
     si.nMin == 0xdeadbeef, "si.nMin == 0x%x, expected 0 or
0xdeadbeef\n", si.nMin);

James Hawkins

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