--- On Tue, 20/3/12, HolyCause <holy.ca...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 3/20/12 07:22, Maarten Lankhorst
> wrote:
> > Agreed, would like to add cmd parser to that list too.
> > 
> > ~Maarten
> Why is this? Does cmd sound like a bad project?
> FWIW I was planning on improving cmd as my GSoC project, and
> I've talked to Dan Kegel about it - there's been no protests
> (only support) thus far on that front, so it at least seems
> doable.
> In terms of being valid... if cmd were improved it would
> allow firefox and chromium to be built under wine (if reg
> was also improved a bit, but that might also fall under my
> project...)

There are one of two bugs I filed which has something to do with cmd (or cmd 
built-in's). One of them is an append-file issue - I think
   copy file1+file2 file3
does not do what it does in windows. (joining file1 and file2 and put into 
file3) - but instead, file2 is ignored, or something.

Just thought if you are doing cmd things, you might take an interest. That's 
the sort of things which are do-able in less than a few months for a student.

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