[Winona Online Democracy]

I have a couple of thoughts on the jail issue.  One is that there should be
a regional jail.  The problem, in my humble opinion, that blocks it is turf
for Sheriffs and to some extent County Boards.  The County spends more than
the $330,000 on detention for juvenile delinquents but years ago the SE
Minn. counties decided to create a regional facility because it was not cost
effective to create ones for smaller catchment areas.  The Sheriff has to do
that transporting as well and the County has to pay for the stay -- at rates
which are at least triple what is paid to other counties for adult jail
space.  (Wonder why that isn't a hot political issue.)  Jails for adults is
what seems to be politically the in thing right now all over the country.
Dealing with alternatives or with where the money is really going doesn't
seem to be the issue.
Someone recently had a letter suggesting private jails.  Again, that doesn't
get attention and I suggest it doesn't due to turf and politics.  I think
that has great potential -- especially on a regional level.
I am concerned about building so many jail beds that there are hidden
pressures to fill them.  There are also potential risks of empty beds and
cost associated with overbuilding.
On a sales tax -- I agree that if the City and County don't get together on
this, both may lose.  I also think that allowing for a regional,
multi-county, jail tax needs to be considered along with maybe getting
legislation to create an incentive for a multi-county approach.  Something
is needed to break down the turf and political barriers and most often that
means money from the state as a carrot, (or a stick of it costing more if
you don't).
I also have to say that the Legislature has to look at the monster they
created in the Dept. of Corrections jail rules, regs, etc. admin. authority.
I suspect that most, if not all, the space and staffing requirements are the
creation of state authorities and not Federal.  The Legislature can change
that.  I would not suggest that we go so far as states like AZ who put many
prisoners in tents out in the desert, but I would suggest that most
prisoners in county jails are living better, except for the freedom to
leave, than they have ever lived on the outside.  One person can make a
difference and one county can start a change process in the Legislature.  We
do not have to sit back and assume the State Corrections officials rules and
regs cannot be changed.  They can!
Craig Brooks

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dwayne Voegeli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 8:37 PM
Subject: [Winona] Sales Taxes, New Jail?, and Roads...

> [Winona Online Democracy]
> Hello Winona Online Democracy and Others,
> At this morning's County Board meeting, we have begun work on two issues
> that I would love to hear people's thoughts on. They are:
> 1.  A possible sales tax to pay for the construction of a POSSIBLE new
> 2.  Consolidating existing County buildings downtown.
> -----
> Here are some discussion starter questions:
> A.  What do you think of the idea of using a County-wide sales tax to
> relieve the pressure on property taxpayers to pay for a new County jail?
> B.  If you could wave a magical wand, how would you have the County fit
> into a new and improved vision for downtown space and building use?  Where
> would you put a new jail?
> C.  On a related note, what do you think of the idea of a city sales tax
> for the City of Winona's proposed road projects?  Is there the way that
> County and City can work together so we don't end up in an either-or
> situation?
> D.  The current jail was built in 1978 and was outdated less than 25 years
> later.  What are the future trends we should be planning for so a
> new jail does not become obsolete in 20 years or so?
> E.  What other questions should we be asking or thinking about?
> -----
> Here is some beginning information and numbers to make the jail puzzle
more fun:
> 1.  If the County does nothing, it will spend about $330,000 a year in
> costs to ship inmates out to other Counties because our jail is filled to
> capacity.
> 2.  Even a "short term" solution to the jail overcrowding issue (a jail
> annex in the basement of the current jail) would cost almost an additional
> half a million dollars and that would only last for about 5 years.
> 3.  The prison and jail population has doubled in Minnesota between 1990
> and 2002 while the crime rate has gone down. The percentage of people in
> jails because of drug offenses has risen from 7% in 1990 to 17% in 2002.
> 4.  The State has begun sending more prisoners back to County jails to
> serve their terms.  It looks like they will continue to pass the buck this
> next session.  The tub is already overflowing and it looks like the State
> is going to open the faucet even wider.
> 5.  Speaking of tubs overflowing.  The "lock-em up" mentality of the
> won many politicians elections but the cost of that simplisitc approach is
> breaking the bank.  Do we have a jail problem or a legislative problem or
> both?  I know it's not an easy decision.  What people would you want
> released?  Are there more effective alternatives?  What would you do if
> were Governor for a day when it comes to jails and prisons and crimes?
> -----
> I definately don't have all the answers.  Heck, I have a lot of questions.
> It's not just solving one problem.  It's like solving a six sided rubic's
> cube where you have to solve multiple problems simultaneously.  I think
> jail issue is at least a 3-4 dimensional problem.
> I proposed a "Jail Summit" at this morning's meeting to look at some of
> these issues in-depth and possibly make a decision for us locally.  It
> take place on Wednesday, December 17th between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon.
> I'd love to hear other's thoughts on all these big and inter-related
> Dwayne Voegeli
> ------------
> Dwayne Voegeli
> Winona County Commissioner, District #2
> (507) 453-9012
> 359 Pleasant Hill Dr.
> Winona, MN  55987
> ------------
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