[Winona Online Democracy]

There have been many letters to the editor regarding the intersection by
Knopp Valley, 14 and County Road 21 (Gilmore Valley Road).  I lived out in
Gilmore Valley from '86 - '02.  The traffic increased as Knopp Valley filled
up and now as new development is going into Gilmore it is increasing again.
I don't know why big trucks need to use 14 to get into and out of Winona
when 43 is the main truck route.  I do know I will never forget teaching
three kids how to drive while we lived out there.  I can't imagine doing it
now.  I knew my child was ready to take the driving test when I survived the
final test of turning left from 14 onto Co. Rd. 21 with a semi barreling
toward us downhill from the front and one speeding up from behind and to the
right.  Being between those two fast moving trucks was a major test for my
child and a major nail bitter for me.
I personally think it is time to put in a traffic sign at that
intersection - either a four way or a light.  And, why can't the State make
the Stockton Hill portion of 14 off limits to big trucks?

Craig Brooks

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