[Winona Online Democracy]

I just want to throw out a couple of questions or
suggestions.  When we are in financial trouble and
most are praying that we just need temporary
solutions, why would we spend so much money on
unpopular permanent solutions?  I have seen this
happen often.  The sale of Lincoln is over and done. 
Why can't the admin. offices just move the furniture
to existing space that is now available in one of the
elementary schools.  Why build walls, hire architects,
etc.?  If money is tight, why make it look like you
can spend new money?  The current office space is not
fancy and leaves allot to be desired.  If money is a
problem, shouldn't you move down and not up in how
nice your office is?  We also have the PR issue of
needing to be seen as putting the children first.
Like I said -- why not just have school staff and
maybe the local prisoners get trucks and move the
furniture to existing space and not fix it up at all.
Look at what the County spent to resolve a disaster
way over and above the insurance reimbursement.  
Craig Brooks



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