[Winona Online Democracy]

A few times on this list people have expressed ideas about how to improve on
the election process in this Country.  The following editorial highlights an
upcoming national effort that may be of interest.  Anyone with ideas could
contact them.
Also, this is a reminder that 'instant runoff voting' might be worth testing
out locally.
Craig Brooks

Last update: March 25, 2005 at 7:05 PM
Editorial: Election reform/Carter, Baker tackle it
Published March 26, 2005

American University's Center for Democracy and Election Management has
bestowed an incredible gift on the nation: It has organized a bipartisan
project that will examine the American election system and propose
improvements. Better yet, the effort will be led by former President Jimmy
Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker, and will include former
Sen. Tom Daschle and former Rep. Lee Hamilton, among others. Congress should
be underwriting this, but it's not going to, so American University's effort
is most welcome. Congress must, however, heed the results.

The elections of 2000 and 2004 demonstrated just how critical an updating of
America's election system is. American democracy runs on faith in that
system, and too many voters have lost their faith, with good reason.

Carter said his group will address "issues of inclusion" in federal
elections and make recommendations on how to improve it. "We will try to
define an electoral system for the 21st century that will make Americans
proud again."

That would be nice, but it will depend on congressional willingness to enact
the changes the Carter-Baker group recommends, and such willingness may be
difficult to obtain without massive public pressure. Given how far over the
outrage line House Majority Leader Tom DeLay was willing to go to create new
gerrymandered districts in Texas, we somehow doubt he and his colleagues
will be much interested in what Carter and Baker have to say. It will be up
to the public to force them to listen.

We hope the group will examine closely the role of the Electoral College and
consider whether direct election of presidents wouldn't be wiser. Too, a
reform that is gaining appeal is instant runoff voting, in which a voter
records his first, second and third choices. IRV allows voters to cast a
symbolic vote for someone unlikely to win, without skewing an election
outcome. If a candidate fails to cross a specified first-choice vote
threshold, her votes are then distributed to the second choices of voters
who favored her.

More mundane but critical matters also will require consideration, including
the question of whether Congress should establish a national standard for
voting machines. Those that don't create a paper trail which allows a
recount should be prohibited. There's too much at stake to allow even the
possibility that someone can tinker with machines to produce a phony result.

Carter and Baker said their group will hold two hearings and hopes to have
recommendations ready by September. Then it will be up to the American
public to force Congress to heed its work. Avoiding a repeat of the
frustrations and fears of 2000 and 2004 means paying attention starting
right now.
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