[Winona Online Democracy]

Dwayne hit on the point I wanted to respond to - namely the assumption
that WOD has (or even can be an entity to have) a position opposing the
upcoming Referendum questions.  I for one would like to be able to use
this forum, and others, to learn about what the choices are and to help
as many voters as possible learn what the issues are and learn how to
cast their ballot.  (It is shocking how many WAPS parents are not
registered voters and how many citizens don't know where, when or how
to vote on the new machines.)  I really appreciate Mr. Herold's input
and efforts to explain his views as a School Board member.  A major
problem I see is that his actions are unique when it comes to the Board
and the WAPS administration -- and here I need to strongly emphasis the
point Pat made earlier -- this is a matter of perception and not a
matter of what the facts or the truth are.  As a public body the
perception of the public must be taken seriously and the responsibility
to deal with it must be accepted.  We see an image of defensiveness,
not being willing to share information and a strong message that if you
don't agree with me you are the enemy and I will cease to listen or
talk with you.  
The facts of the referendum, in my opinion, are really not at the heart
of the most contentious debates.  It is distrust and a feeling of not
being respected or listened to and a lack of dialog.  I personally am
trying to ignore that and my feelings about it and just gather facts to
make my decision.  But, if I ask questions, I get treated like an enemy
of children and public schools.  I don't like feeling like I am being
treated that way or that it is somehow wrong to ask questions or to not
agree on everything.  Again -- this a perception issue -- But that
usually is reality for people and you can not change it by just saying
"it ain't so and you are wrong - just trust me".  Trust is earned and
is built on relationships and by how you walk the talk.


--- Dwayne and Denine Voegeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [Winona Online Democracy]
> I wanted to address one of the points Kelly Herold's made in his
> reply to 
> Mr. Schmidt.
> I think Kelly is under the impression that Winona Online Democracy
> is, as a 
> whole, likely to vote against the upcoming referendum.  Kelly, is
> that an 
> accurate summary of your point below or did I misread your intent?
> To Craig Brooks or one of the other archive masters, isn't that
> actually 
> completely flip-flopped?
> If I recall correctly, during the last referendum a poll was taken of
> WOD 
> subscribers and it was by and far away in favor of the referendum
> even 
> though the community at large voted it down.  Does anyone have access
> to 
> those numbers?
> I think some of Steve Schild's research has also documented that in
> the past 
> that WOD has had a large majority in favor of public school
> referendums.
> I think, and please correct me if I'm wrong, that WOD is actually a 
> "friendly" or "sympathetic" audience when it comes to referendums. 
> (I 
> realize those are hard words to define exactly.)
> This isn't a big deal but I think it's important not to cast WOD as
> being 
> opposed to referendums.  These are many of the biggest "friends" of
> public 
> education there are out there.
> Dwayne Voegeli
> September 27, 2005
> -----------
> > To begin - thank you for your input - it is appreciated.  I feel
> this is 
> > an especially arduous  task knowing that WOD participants are by
> and large 
> > seeming to vote waiting to vote no.  That saddens me. While this
> task 
> > seems fruitless - I am encouraged to read you are willing to
> engage.
> > 

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