[Winona Online Democracy]

Election time is near.  Sept. 12th is the Primary and Nov. 7th is the
General Election.
Thanks to the LWV we have local debates.
We'll have several contested races on the Primary ballot.  Voting will be
Info. on where to vote and how to register is located at the State Auditor's
Info. on local races on the ballot and local voting can be found on the
County Auditors part of:

The local election calendar is in the file attached which is also available
on the County Auditor site.  Timelines for absentee voting is included.

Voting is a right and a responsibility as well as a privilege.
Every vote counts and you can make a difference.
I've always thought that those that choose not to vote should not complain
about the results.

Please vote and encourage others to vote.

Craig Brooks

Attachment: electioncalendar1.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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