[Winona Online Democracy]

I voted this morning at my small Township Town Hall.  I really enjoy the great weather and am glad we have a good day for the election.  However, with the good comes the bad.  When I was in the voting booth I was joined by various interested parties who were trying to influence my vote.  In fact, as I glanced down my ballot, they confused me and made me wonder if I had voted for the right person or not .  The ellipse I had to fill in looked too much like my visitors.  The box-elder bugs and Asian beetles had different preferences on the ballot than I did and they kept trying to confuse me.  Good weather can bring out the voters and can bring out the best in us.  But, it also brings out the bugs.  I don't think they should be allowed to vote and I don't even think they should be allowed into the Country let alone into my voting booth.
Go Vote -- But be careful of the bugs.

Craig Brooks
This message was posted to Winona Online Democracy
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