<xMff> flameman: sorry, I don't know have any knowlesge about the mmc stuff
<xMff> adnc: hm looks right
<flameman> ok
<flameman> anyway i'm porting ucgentoo on the fonera, with a 2Gb
storage on the mmc-sd
<flameman> if interested PM me :P
<Yanira> LOL
<flameman> exactly what i did :P
<flameman> unfortunately i have a limitation of the first 512Mb / 2Gb :P
<wireddd> I am trying to forward 8080 on the wan to 80 on the lan, so
I can get to the web admin stuff from outside, but it doesn't seem to
be working
<flameman> anyway the fonera has the rootfs=/dev/mmc1
<xMff> wireddd: that won't work you need to redirect to the device itself
<MasterPLaster> how can i see my current cpu speed ?
<wireddd> xMff: eth0 or w/e?
<wireddd> br-lan?
<Ninjara> Anyone know of something that'll do the job of 'usleep' or
'sleep 0.n' in Kamikaze?  busybox doesn't go finer than 1 sec and
there's no usleep command in the repository.
<Weaselweb> MasterPLaster: cat /proc/cpuinfo
<wireddd> xMff: so this won't work? iptables -t nat -A prerouting_wan
-p tcp --dport 8080 -j DNAT --to
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<adnc> xMff: is there a way to see which ports rtp use at the connection?
<Ninjara> adnc: 'tcpdump -qnn' would do
<RoundSparrow> Ninjara:   off forum: 'The "usleep" binary is part of
busybox, so enable it with "make menuconfig".'
<Ninjara> I see, thanks.
<RoundSparrow> Ninjara:  recent discussion:
<adnc> Ninjara: thank you, is tcpdump a huge package? so it fits to my wrt54gl
<Ninjara> adnc: I installed it on one yesterday, it should fit as long
as you haven't filled it already, it's fairly small.
<adnc> Ninjara: which package is it?
<xMff> wireddd: right, you want sth. like iptables -t nat -A
prerouting_wan -p tcp --dport 8080 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 80
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has joined #openwrt
<xMff> wireddd: also make sure that iptables-mod-nat-extra is installed
<wrt> New reply: <kupesoft> /sbin/usb-storage
<Ninjara> adnc: just 'tcpdump'
<adnc> Ninjara: no that doesnt exist here
<adnc> opkg install tcpdump gives nothing back
<adnc> ohhs
<Ninjara> Ah, I'm on Kamikaze/7.09 with 2.4 kernel
<adnc> sorry the package database wasnt updated
<Ninjara> 'opkg list|grep tcpdump'
<adnc> Ninjara: thank you i found it
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