This might be of interest to some.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Jon Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri Sep 27, 2002  9:23:12  AM US/Pacific
> Subject: LocustWorld Mesh APv5 (Linux-cdrom)
> Dear Mobile Mesh list,
> This post is not related directly to the classic mobile mesh, but it 
> is a
> project inspired by it. I hope this will be relevant to those on the 
> list.
> I have released a 13mb bootable cd-rom which runs on PC architecture, 
> such as
> a single board computer, laptop or desktop PC system. It requires 64 
> mb of
> ram and a support wi-fi card. No harddisk space is needed.
> The cd-rom is a self configuring mesh network system, no end user
> configuration is required and clients are supported through standard
> protocols. Nodes in the network automatically detect if they are 
> gateways and
> spread this information around to repeaters or "cells" which also serve
> clients.
> Clients connect through standard IP protocols using dhcp (ad-hoc mode 
> channel
> 6) and their data is routed through a compressed and encrypted dynamic
> network.
> It can handle mobile repeaters and the network dynamically changing 
> shape or
> suffering from congestion.
> The software is based around standard Linux components, a modified 
> AODV(11)
> and some custom tools to make it all work. This is a test release and 
> is a
> work in progress project, but already it works well enough to be 
> usable.
> Typical applications would be for instant community networks, or for 
> an ISP.
> The mesh part of the routing is transparent to the end user.
> The software can be obtained by visiting and
> following the top article or by looking in the downloads section under
> "cd-rom images"
> I welcome feedback.
> Best Regards,
> Jon Anderson

general wireless list, a bawug thing <>

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