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Workshop "Information Retrieval 2010"

held by the Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval of the
Gesellschaft für Informatik (German Computing Society)

October 4-6, 2010
University of Kassel, Germany

The ubiquity of search systems has led to the application of
information retrieval technology in many new contexts (e.g. mobile
and international) and for new object types (products, patents,
music). To develop appropriate products, basic knowledge on
information retrieval needs to be revisited and innovative approaches
need to be applied, for example by allowing for user interaction or
by taking the user's situational context into account. The quality of
information retrieval needs to be evaluated for each context. Large
evaluation initiatives respond to these challenges and develop new

The workshop Information Retrieval 2010 of the Special Interest Group
on Information Retrieval within the German Gesellschaft für
Informatik (GI) provides a forum for scientific discussion and the
exchange of ideas. The workshop takes place in the context of the LWA
"Learning, Knowledge and Adaptivity" workshop week (LWA, Oct 4-6,
2010) at the University of Kassel in Germany. This workshop continues
a successful series of conferences and workshops of the Special
Interest Group on Information Retrieval (http://www.fg-ir.de/). The
workshop addresses researchers and practitioners from  industry and
universities. Especially Doctorate and Master students are encouraged
to participate. An Industry Session will stimulate the discussion
between information retrieval professionals and academics. The
workshop is expected to include German as well as English

Program Chairs:

     * Dr. Ingo Frommholz <i...@dcs.gla.ac.uk>,
           University of Glasgow, UK
     * Dr. Claus-Peter Klas <claus-peter.k...@fernuni-hagen.de>,
           Fernuniversität Hagen, Germany

Submission should address current issues in Information Retrieval.
They include (but are not limited to):

     * Development and optimization of retrieval systems
     * Retrieval with structured and multimedia documents
     * Evaluation and evaluation research
     * Text mining and information extraction
     * Multilingual systems
     * Digital libraries
     * User interfaces and user behavior
     * Interactive IR
     * Combination of structured and unstructured search
     * Machine learning in information retrieval
     * Information retrieval and knowledge management
     * Information retrieval and the semantic web
     * Search Engine Optimization
     * Social Search

Types of Submissions:

     * Full Papers (6 to 8 pages)
     * Short Papers (4 pages): Position papers or work in progress
     * Poster and Demonstrations (2 pages): Poster and Presentation
       of systems or prototypes

Submissions are welcome in English and German. They have to follow
the conference format and should be submitted as PDF files to
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wir2010. All submissions
will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.

Important Dates:

    * Submissions: June 27, 2010
    * Notification: August 2, 2010
    * Camera Ready Contributions: August 13, 2010
    * Workshop: October 4-6, 2010

Further Information:


Would be great to see you in Kassel! :-)

Best regards,
Ingo Frommholz and Claus-Peter Klas

Dr Ingo Frommholz            |      Information Retrieval Research
i...@dcs.gla.ac.uk           |           Department of Computing
                             |                     University of
Glasgow |
                                                   18 Lilybank
http://ir.dcs.gla.ac.uk      |            G12 8RZ Glasgow, Scotland -

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