**Apologies for Cross-Posting**

The Third International PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference

Building and Sustaining Alternative Scholarly Publishing Projects Around the 


The Public Knowledge Project is pleased to announce that, in partnership with 
the Freie Universität Berlin, the Third International PKP Scholarly Publishing 
Conference (http://pkp.sfu.ca/ocs/pkp/index.php/pkp2011/pkp2011) will be held 
from September 26 - 28, 2011 in Berlin, Germany. This is the first time that 
the PKP Conference is being held outside of Vancouver, Canada, and we look 
forward to meeting more members of the growing, international PKP user 
community. Given that the landmark Budapest Open Access Initiative, launched in 
December 2001, will be celebrating its first decade, the conference invites 
explorations of the lessons learned, successes achieved, and setbacks overcome 
in our shared attempts to increase and open access within scholarly publishing. 
The first and second PKP conferences brought together a remarkable array of 
presentations and participants from around the world, and we anticipate an 
equally valuable experience in 2011.


Proposals that address one or more of the following topics are especially 


* New reading and publishing technologies, e.g., integration of Web 2.0 

* Reports on national and regional open access policies and initiatives;

* Alternative publishing and funding models;

* National and international collaborative projects;

* New roles and partnerships for libraries, scholarly publishers, and others;

* Sustainability for open access publishing and open source software.


The conference will consist of a mixture of plenary presentations, panel 
discussions, brief "lightning talks," posters, workshops, a hackfest, an 
exhibitor hall, and parallel conference sessions in the following streams:


* Editors, publishers, and librarians

* Researchers and members of scholarly/scientific societies

* Software developers and system administrators

* Community/User groups


Parallel sessions will each be up to 20 minutes in length. Lightning Talks and 
"Ask a Developer" presentations are limited to 5 minutes each. Sessions may 
consist of a case study, a research report, a "big idea" in publishing, as well 
as other options.


Proposals (500 word maximum) should be submitted by March 15, 2011, using the 
submission guidelines and form available on our web site 
(http://pkp.sfu.ca/ocs/pkp/index.php/pkp2011/pkp2011/about/submissions). All 
proposals will be subject to peer-review and you will be informed of a decision 
by June 1, 2011. Due to the strong interest in this year's conference, only a 
limited number of sessions will be accepted.


We hope to see you in Berlin in 2011!

Your PKP Conference Team

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