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wiss-org Fr, 07 Jan 2011 18:44:15 +0100 traegt der obige Absender.

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Sun, 02 Jan 2011 18:36:24 +0100
Von: Rosa SAN SEGUNDO MANUEL <r...@bib.uc3m.es>

10th Conference of the ISKO Spanish Chapter- extension of 
the deadline for submission of proposals

ISKO Spanish Chapter announces the extension of the deadline for 
submission of proposals for the "10th Conference of the ISKO Spanish 
Chapter" that will be held in Ferrol (A Coruña), Spain, June 30th - 
July 1st , 2011, at the University of A Coruña, Faculty of Humanidades 
- Ferrol Campus.

Within the general subject "20 Years of the ISKO Spanish Chapter", the 
topics to be dealt with are the following ones:

·         Epistemology of Knowledge Organization.
·         History of Knowledge Organization in Spain.

·         Analysis of Knowledge Organization Scientific Productivity in Spain.

·         Present and future challenges in a complex discipline field.


1. Types of contribution accepted

The Conference will accept: scientific papers, posters, and proposals 
for workshops.

All authors interested in submitting an abstract for contribution to 
the 10th Conference of the ISKO Spanish Chapter should send it to the 
below e-mail address. These abstracts will be revised by the Conference 
Scientific Committee.

2. Admission of contributions

The Scientific Committee of the ISKO Spanish Chapter Conference will 
select the contributions through their revision and evaluation. The 
criteria to be applied to decide the admission will be related to 
originality, relevance, clarity, and connection to the topics proposed. 
Authors should clearly highlight the approach, goals, description and 
methodology of the work together with their results.

      Important dates

Abstract submission deadline: until January 24, 2010 to the following 
e-mail:    carmen.perez.p...@udc.es

Notification of provisional acceptance and full text request: February 
15, 2011.

Full text submission deadline: until March 30, 2011. This first version 
will be submitted for approval.

Notification of acceptance, and last version request: until March 10 
April, 2011.

3. Submission guidelines

The languages of the Conference will be Spanish, Galician, English, and 
Portuguese, and abstracts must be between 500 and 1000 words.

The front page should include the following information:
-          10th ISKO Spanish Chapter Conference

-          Ferrol, 30 June-1 July 2011
-          Names of Authors

-          Affiliation

-          Contact details

-          Type of contribution (Paper, Poster, Workshop)

-          Title

The abstract should be included in the next page with no mentioning of 
the authors' names or any other kind of identification.

The submission of the proposal should be made by e-mail to the 
following address: carmen.perez.p...@udc.es (Please, fill in "ISKO" in 
the field "Matter"). The document format should be Word of RTF; font: 
Times New Roman; size: 12 pt.; and interlineal spacing: 1.5.

The rules for presentation of the contributions accepted will be 
published shortly.

Website: http://humanidades.udc.es/index.php/gl/novas/140-congreso-isko

Contact Information

X Congreso de ISKO-España. Secretaría Técnica

Universidade da Coruña

Facultad de Humanidades

C/ Doctor Vázquez Cabrera, s/n
E-15403 FERROL


Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
C/  Madrid 126
Getafe (Madrid) 28903
TEl.34   91 624 92 48
Fax.34   91 624 92 12

Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
With kind regards,
Sincères salutations,

H. Peter OHLY

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