Hey Ray,

2008/7/14 Ray Burkholder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Unless your hobby is setting up build files or configure
>> scripts, I am afraid the latest CVS commit will draw your
>> attention to an unpleasant change.
>> Until now, Wt installed its include files directly into the
>> (...)/include folder, where "(...)" corresponds to
>> ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} as configured when building/installing Wt.
>> Because this clobbers the include directory, the new CVS
>> version of Wt installs its headers in (...)/include/Wt.
> Actually, I applaud the change.  I was wondering if it was just me or not.

Guess I was too hesitant to break the build files of the unwary 'cvs
update' followers. :-)

> Making this change does get Wt to conform to the 'natural' way of doing
> things.
> #include <Wt/WLineEdit>
> Is how most of my other libraries work, where /usr/local/include is
> typically defaulted in the development environment, and as such, no special
> include directories need then be defined.

Unfortunately, until we upgrade the library header files themselves to
also use these scoped include files, you will still need to add
/usr/local/include/Wt to the search path in order to use this style of
including Wt header files.

But indeed, you can already start using the scoped include files in
your project, and eventually the library will be upgraded so that it
will work in the way you want it.


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