Check out  <> It’s a great resource and 
has downloads to free ebooks (same thing as the web site in a different format).


Generally, you create a branch (they’re lightweight), make and commit your 
changes, push your branch to your fork, then send a pull request from that 
branch to the tracking branch in the main repo.


Git is very much design to branch on a whim. You can create a branch from any 
previous state in your commit history so you can have multiple trains of work. 
This is especially handy if you’re working on multiple bugs and/or features and 
don’t want to send one giant pull request or wait for your pull request to be 
merged (since any commits added to the remote branch get included in the pull 


Heath Stewart

VS Pro Deployment Experience, Microsoft


From: Wesley Manning [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 9:16 AM
To: Windows Installer XML toolset developer mailing list
Subject: [WiX-devs] Git flow


So what is the flow now to summit changes?  For mercurial forking seemed to 
create another repository but with git does the fork just create a branch?



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