This is a single shot relay command, where the user should not be able to mash 
the button multiple times for install, repair, uninstall.

From: Hoover, Jacob []
Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2015 11:09 PM
To: Windows Installer XML toolset developer mailing list
Subject: [WiX-devs] Issue 4512: WiX BA allows multiple clicks of Install button 
while update check is running

Technically any enabled button would allow multiple clicks between DetectBegin 
and DetectComplete.  The question I have, is shouldn't any installation state 
info passed in DetectBegin also be passed in DetectComplete?  I know in 3.x we 
can't modify the signature, but to me we shouldn't be proclaiming the overall 
bundle state until after detection is done.

In 3.x, either I could introduce a new state indicator, 
DetectedAbsentInstalling, which would indicate the button was clicked, or a 
local member variable in the installation view model that would prevent the 
double invocation. Which ever pattern we favor, I think we should also apply it 
to the Repair and Uninstall commands.

Even with the detected state not being "available" until DetectComplete, it's 
almost as if we need a OneShotRelayCommand class to only allow a single 
invocation, and if a user is able to abort out the OneShotRelay should be reset.




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