
I’ve spent the last two days getting familiar with WiX, the windows installer, and going through the great tutorial on WiX (http://www.tramontana.co.hu/wix/).  I especially liked the article posted a year ago (http://msdn.microsoft.com/smartclient/default.aspx?pull=/library/en-us/dnwingen/html/wixsetup.asp) that talks about doing the installer during the development cycle and not at the end of it.  We are badly in need of doing this.

I have a question however.  How do we migrate from our current installer to the Windows Installer for existing customers?

We just released version 5.0 of our product.  Spending 6 weeks updating our installer (we have a custom C# installer).  I can see our new customers instead using a new .msi for later versions (5.5, 6.0, etc).  What do I do about our existing customers when they wish to upgrade?  They’ve never installed originally with a Windows Installer.  How do I get them on the same track?


Thanks for any advice,

Rick Glos

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