Nathan Lee wrote:


Running the VBScript outside of the MSI works, and I'd expect it to work
inside the MSI.

Nope. As others have already observed the sequencing is probably just
plain wrong (the MSI's may not exist on the disk at the time you try to
install them). Even if that were not the case, nested MSI's (which is
what you are trying to accomplish) is deprecated and not supported by

WiX is not an appropriate choice of tool for what you need since you are
working with multiple MSI files. Since the overhead associated with
creating a bootstrapper (or modifying an existing one like
dotNetInstaller - see
<> ) is probably
significantly greater than will be acceptable, you may want to try
looking at a script based installation engine (for example NSIS - see <> , or Inno -
<>  ). I have not used either of
those tools myself, but have seen installations created with both of

One warning about NSIS - for a while one of its components was getting
flagged by McAfee as a "bad" file, because it had the capability to
install system services (in an installation tool... go figure!). I don't
know if that is still the case.

As for why there are no tutorials about scripting... well that could
have something to do with the fact that as many people have found out
the hard way Custom Action scripts using VBScript or Jscript are a bad
idea. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.



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