ok.. perfect answer and that is what i thought...

so that set me on my path and leaves me know with a few other questions, one
related to the topic and a few slightly off-topic...  i am using only wix

1. I have authored a large file containing maybe 50 vbcontrols (ocx, dll)
and compiled it into a master binary wixlib containing the files.  My goal
was to reference components from this master file when i needed specific
ones in a main project.  The problem is that it includes all of the
components, and the ones that are not referenced in features are orphaned in
the final msi.
The question is then: Do I need to separate the components into separate
wixlib files or am i doing something wrong in the referencing?  i will
gladly provide the source code upon request if it would help answer.

2. I have a few 16-bit register-able controls.  I am not advertising the
registry information but I am using the typelib/class/progid elements in the
wxs file for format and consistency.  Also, heat captured the registry
information into these elements as well.  The problem i have is that when
the msi is compiled, it creates a win32 entry for the type library info
instead of the win16 entry it should be.
Then question is then, is the only way to get the correct info to use the
actual registry elements instead of the typelib element?  Would it be
possible to maybe include an attribute for the typelib element, similar to
the win64 attribute for the component element, called maybe 'winversion' or
something, and the allowed values are 16, 32, and 64??  Or does this ability
exist and i am missing it?  it is overwriting the corresponding 32-bit
controls win32 value, and i'd like to be able to specify win16 somehow and
still use the typelib element.

3. An expansion on question 2.  When wxs is compiled to the msi, how is it
determined what the FLAGS value for the typelib element will end up

4. And finally, when compiling, the Class element InprocServer(32) values
are entered into the registry table with quotation marks (i.e.
"C:\windows\system32\mscomctl.ocx") and when the control is manually
registered to verify the msi entries, the quotation marks are removed from
the entries.  Is this an incorrect design?

So if you read this far, thanks for your time, and if anyone wants, they can
seperate these into different answers.


On 4/7/07, Bob Arnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

koawmfot wrote:
> well, technically it isn't really a bug if the v2 difxapp.wixlib has
> different elements and schema references than it should in v3.

True -- I'm not saying it'll get fixed.<g> WiX v3 added the concept of
"binary .wixlibs" that can contain the files they ship, so they're full
replacements for merge modules.

> it is really just not an ap to date wixlib.  unless what you are
> saying is that the WixDifxAppExtension.dll contains the v2 wixlib and
> that is why i need to provided an 'altered' version wixlib with v3
> elements and references as well as the extension which provided the

The v3 extension doesn't include the .wixlib which is why it starts
working when you include the altered one on the light command line.

> what is the final method going to be?  only an extension? (i would
> assume...)

Yes, with a v3 embedded .wixlib.


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