I'm sorry... Using NAnt as the engine for applying a patch, in a
scenario where NAnt is probably not present on the user's machine?!
That's just ugly! (My personal opinion, of course.) It's just as well
you're using a personal email address rather than a company one because
otherwise I'd be making a note not to touch any product your company
produces with a very long pole.


If the installation had been authored appropriately in the first place,
you could probably have created a patch (msp) file with very little
additional work after generating the "fixed" installation. (See
http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa367816.aspx for a sample of
how it is supposed to work).


Given the situation you are in, using Windows Installer (and by
implication WiX) appears to be making your life harder for no good
reason. If anything, I believe the added complexity make it even more
likely that you will have trouble somewhere and end up with a situation
where you are trying to fix the fixes.


I suspect that what Aaron was suggesting was coding a custom c# tool to
(for example) extract NAnt from an embedded resource (e.g. an embedded
zip file) into a temp folder, trigger it (using System.Process.Start),
wait for NAnt to complete, then remove NAnt. I also suspect that Aaron
was thinking it would be simpler to do so outside of WiX.






[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 3:12 PM
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to install files, run an action, then
delete the files??


Yes - the product is a hotfix MSI.


All the hard work of moving files, copyin files, etc is done by Nant -
we just want to use WiX as the main GUI.  


My C# is pretty solid.  Do you have any examples or URLs that show what
you are suggesting?





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