It seems you didn't look very hard. There is an example right there in
the tutorial:


Look specifically at the notepad example, and you will see that the
command line parameters would go in the ExeCommand attribute.


As far as your complaints about a custom action in a DLL not having
debug information available, that's (in my book) a very poor excuse,
since you have complete control over the code. Even if you couldn't work
out how to add information to the installer event log (Per Microsoft's
documentation, you use MsiProcessMessage - see - to send
INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO messages), you should at least be able to open a
custom text file and drop messages into that.






[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of srinivas
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 5:57 PM
To: Pierson Lee (Volt);
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to call an exe


But how should I call an exe with arguments?. Any Idea.

I serached on web and could not find proper documents.

Please anybody know help.




"Pierson Lee (Volt)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

        Binary Key -> takes a <binary> tag with a dll/exe and will run
it without extracting/installing it (the Binary is only valid at

        File key -> an extracted file that you need to access at install
time also. This file will also be available after installation as per
your <file> tag.


        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of srinivas
        Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 2:33 PM
        Subject: [WiX-users] How to call an exe


        I really fed up working with .dll as there is no debug
available. Now I created an .exe with the same code. 


        From the command line the usage is as folows:

        write.lic.exe 61177-1128925439-1187326800 9.0


        I need to pass the CD-Label key in the first argument and the
version as second argument.


        I wrote the wix tag as follows:


        <Binary Id='WixLicense' SourceFile="write_lic.exe"/> 

        <CustomAction Id='createLicense' BinaryKey="write_lic.exe" 

        ExeCommand= ' "61177-1128925439-1187326800" "9.0" '
Execute="commit" Return="ignore"/>


        the sequence as follows:


        <RemoveExistingProducts After="InstallFinalize" />

        <Custom Action= "createLicense" After="InstallFinalize" />




        It compiles fine and links fine. When I execute the msi
installer crashes. I donot know what is happening here. 


        Please somebody help me. Also, do I need to use "Binarykey" Or
"FileKey" in Custom Action? and what is the difference between the two.


        <CustomAction Id='createLicense' BinaryKey="write_lic.exe" 

        ExeCommand= ' "61177-1128925439-1187326800" "9.0" '
Execute="commit" Return="ignore"/>






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