

Just for stupidity's sake, is everything OK if you reverse the order of
the second test?


I.e. the second test would become:


<?if $(var.type) = msm ?>
<?elseif $(var.type) = msi ?>
<?endif ?>


Unless I'm missing something, the file would then be "valid" again,
since the product element is opened before the module element could
possibly be, and closed after it, maintaining xml requirements.


Of course... it is a pretty roundabout way of doing things. The fact
that you are running into problems may really be suggesting you need to
use wix libraries instead of msm's (or wix fragments which are consumed
by both independent msi and msm wrapper files).





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jeremy
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 12:17 PM
Subject: [WiX-users] wix and the preprocessor...


I am currently using the stable 2.0 binaries to build my installer.
Currently today i have multiple wxs files, 2 for individual msm's and 1
to include those msm's to build a few msi's. now, what i would like to
do is consolidate down to a single wxs and still retain the ability to
net the same output. unfortunately to date my attempts have failed to
pass candle. let me elaborate:
my problem is actually in the way the <?if><?elseif?><?endif?> are
working. heres an example of what i would like to do, but for some
reason these preprocessor commands arent really preprocessor.
<?if $(var.type) = msi ?>
<?elseif $(var.type) = msm ?>
<?endif ?>
<?if $(var.type) = msi ?>
<?elseif $(var.type) = msm ?>
<?endif ?>
needless to same candle gives me an error something to likes of module
start tag does not match end tag of product. well i would think that the
preprocessor would be able to handle making sure the proper tags were
insert/deleted based on the conditional statements. so i thought maybe i
can move the contents of these to include files, however include files
weren't really meant to be used in this manner. i get error that says
the product start tag does not match the end tag of include. perhaps i
am doing something wrong, hopefully someone can shed some light on this
topic for me. thanks!!


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