Hi All,

 I am logged in as an administrative user in windows vista and I have a custom 
action (which calls a VB script function) in my .wxs file which creates a 
firewall exception.
If I run the created .msi normally (just double clicking on it), the 
installation goes to completion but my firewall exception is not made. If I  
run the command prompt as Administrator and then run the .msi thru it ,the 
firewall exception gets created.  I cannot understand the reason for this.

I even have a condition which checks whether I am an admin or not and will 
ensures that the installation runs only if I am an admin.  The installation 
does run and does not flag any error (meaning I am the admin) but the firewall 
exception is not created.

Where am I going wrong ??

My  .wxs file looks like this :

<Condition Message="You need to be an administrator to install this product.">
       <Custom Action="FireWall" Sequence='1'/>

      <Binary Id='b.vbs' src='b.vbs'/>
      <CustomAction Id='FireWall' BinaryKey='b.vbs' 
VBScriptCall='FirewallEntry' Return='check'/>

My script file b.vbs is :

Function FireWallEntry

Set objFirewall = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FwMgr")
Set objPolicy = objFirewall.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile

Set objApplication = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FwAuthorizedApplication")
objApplication.Name = "Fence aks Manager"
objApplication.IPVersion = 2
objApplication.ProcessImageFileName = "<PATH to my PROGRAM>"
objApplication.RemoteAddresses = "*"
objApplication.Scope = 0
objApplication.Enabled = True

Set colApplications = objPolicy.AuthorizedApplications

end Function
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