I have the following in my .wxs file now, 


      <DirectoryRef Id="DesktopFolder">

        <Component Id="mVPClientDesktopShortcut"


          <RegistryValue Root="HKCU" Key="Software\Solarsoft\mVP\Client"
Name="DesktopShortcut" Type="integer" Value="1" KeyPath="yes" />

          <Shortcut Id="AppStartDesktopShortcut" Name="mVP Client"
Description="Solarsoft mVP Client"
WorkingDirectory="APPLICATIONDIR" />




This will put the etAppStart.exe under "APPLICATIONDIR", since
APPLICATIONDIR is a predefined variable  however, let's say, I need my
user to enter a value for SERVER_DIR , and SERVER_DIR is not a
predefined variable, what should I do, such that I will be able to put
etAppStart.exe under [SERVER_DIR]\Client Setup? I don't need to create a
short cut though? I just need to put the .exe under SERVER_DIR.


Please let me know..


Thanks a lot!!


Karen Lin

Software Developer

Solarsoft Business Systems

T 905.224.2222 Ext 360

F 905.224.2221



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