Hi all,

This is potentially a silly question but I haven't found a clear answer on the 
web yet.

Our installer consists of:

1)      WiX source files (WXS) - defined in the WiX project file

2)      Additional files used in the MSI package e.g. banner images - defined 
in the WiX project file

3)      A Deployment Tools Foundation .NET DLL containing custom action code in 
C# - defined in a separate C# project in the same solution

4)      A number of program DLLs/EXEs, which are installed by the MSI - defined 
in separate projects in the same solution

5)      A number of additional files (e.g. images, help files, config files, 
etc) to support the program, which are installed by the MSI - not defined in 
Visual Studio, but present on disk

Let's say I build my wixproj project. I then make a change to a WiX source file 
or a banner image (1 or 2 above). If I then build my wixproj project a second 
time, WiX recognises that some files have changed, and runs through the 
compilation/linking process again to give me an updated MSI.

Now let's say I change any of 3, 4 or 5 in the above list. If I build my 
wixproj project now, the compiling and linking steps are skipped because WiX 
believes that everything is up-to-date already. This means that any time I 
change one of those files (which is often), I have to "clean" my wixproj 
project and re-build, so that my MSI is updated.

Is there any way I can get WiX/Votive to just know that something has changed, 
and rebuild the MSI? It looks like (according to some web pages) I'm supposed 
to add my DTF project and my application project(s) to the wixproj as 
references. Would this do the trick? What about the various data files that 
aren't defined in any Visual Studio projects?

I'm curious to know how other people handle this in their projects. Maybe I'm 
missing something very obvious!


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