I have a CA running after InstallFinalize inside InstallExecuteSequence 
sequence and it relies on an environment variable (HOME), however, the 
variable isn't being set until AFTER I completely finish the installation.

Here's a snippet from my install log:

MSI (s) (1C:24) [21:56:25:369]: Executing op: 
WriteEnvironmentStrings: Name: HOME, Value: C:\Server\, Action 536870913

MSI (s) (1C:24) [21:56:29:896]: Doing action: WriteConfigFiles

Which to me looks like it's being set, however in my CA (batch file) I 
called the "set" command to list all environment variables and HOME is 
not listed. After I click the FINISH button, and open a new CMD window, 
the variable is finally set.

Any ideas?



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