Hi there, 

Anyone have any ideas on this one: 

I run appcmd from a custom Action in wix as follows: 
<CustomAction Id="IIS7AppPoolTEST" Execute="immediate" Impersonate="yes"
Return="check" Directory="ProgramFilesFolder"
ExeCommand="[SystemFolder]inetsrv\appcmd add apppool /name:TEST
/managedRuntimeVersion:v2.0" /> 

Called As Follows: 
<Custom Action="IIS7AppPoolTEST" After="InstallFinalize">NOT

IIS7 / Server 2008 setup. Everything was working fine but now any action
which calls appcmd just falls over with: 
A program required for this install to complete could not be run.
Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action:
IIS7AppPoolTEST, location: C:\Program Files\, command:
C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd add apppool /name:TEST

If i run the command manually in cmd window works perfect. I have tried
everything, I am a local admin for the PC and i can't figure out why it
was working and why its not working now. There were updates applied to
the PC but thats the only thing i can see had changed. Really

Have all my commands written with appcmd so too late now to change to
the xml manipulation. 

Any help greatly appreciated


Nicky Fox


Computershare Governance Services 


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