
I use a trick now and it works, but it's not the fine way, I think.

In <util:RemoveFolderEx On="uninstall" Property="AppDataCommonFolder"/>
I have to place my property containing the full path to my folder.

I have an action where I set this property.
  <CustomAction Id="setAppDataCommonFolder"                  Property="
AppDataCommonFolder" Value="[CommonAppDataFolder]Company\Product\Common\" 
Execute="immediate" />
Now I have a second action where I clean this property, or set a stupid 
value. ;-)
  <CustomAction Id="cleanAppDataCommonFolder"                Property="
AppDataCommonFolder" Value="Don't remove AppDataCommonFolder" Execute="
immediate" />
In the ExecuteSequence I launch the cleanAppDataCommonFolder based on a 
condition. The property REMOVECOMMONFILES will be set by the custom dialog 
with 1 if the checkbox is set.
    <Custom Action="cleanAppDataCommonFolder"                Before="
WixRemoveFoldersEx">NOT REMOVECOMMONFILES="1"</Custom>

So the property AppDataCommonFolder will only have a valid value if the 
checkbox in the dialog is checked.

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