Good afternoon,
I am creating a database installation. First I try to migrate a database from 
SQL 2005 to SQL 2008, but should no database be on a SQL 2005 on the machine, I 
am installing a new one. To make this happen, I thought I'll put a backup file 
into the TempFolder and reference that file in my custom action to restore it. 
So far so good but it's not working. It's not working because it can't find the 
backup-file in the TempFolder. The XML that I've got is:
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
      <Directory Id="TempFolder">
        <Component Id="DatabaseBackupFile" Guid="*">
          <File Id='FileBackupFile' DiskId='1' 
Source='SetupContent\db-package.bak' KeyPath='yes' />
      <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
        <Directory Id="CompanyFolder" Name="CompanyName">
          <Directory Id="INSTALLDIRECTORY" Name="DB WiXTest">
    <!-- BEGIN: Features -->
    <Feature Id="ProductFeature" ConfigurableDirectory="TARGETDIR" Level="1">
      <ComponentRef Id="DatabaseBackupFile" />
Either that XML is messed up, or my custom action runs before the file has been 
placed in the TempFolder. Reading the logs or looking in the folders, I can't 
figure out which. Anyone spot anything wrong in the above, or know what I can 
to to fix this?
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