Hi Ted,


Thank you for your answer, I've fixed the config-lesk file to work as desired.


I tried also to use the vector measure as well, and used the files in /utils to build a compound nouns file and a vector db file,

However, it works awfully slow – do you have any idea how to enhance that?





-----Original Message-----
From: ted pedersen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 9:18 PM
To: wn-similarity@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [wn-similarity] lesk measure


Hi Yael,

The lesk measure has a number of options that are controlled via its
configuration file, and if you have your configuration file set
differently, or aren't using one, then the results from the measure will
likely be different.

The most important configuration options for lesk are probably the
relations file (which determines which relations you use in carrying
out the gloss matching) and the stoplist (which removes stop words
from the glosses).

In the web interface we use the stoplist as provided with
WordNet-Similarity in the sample files, and we also use the relation file
as provided (which uses all synsets within one "link" of the target
synsets regardless of the type of relations).

So, I suspect you may be using a different set of relations, or maybe not
using a stoplist? One way to get a quick sense of what the differences
between your system and the web interface might be by looking at the
traces. The effect of using (or not) a stoplist or different relations is
usually pretty extreme.

Let us know if this doesn't explain the differences, or if you'd like more
information about how the configuration options are set in the web


On Sun, 30 Jan 2005, Yael Netzer wrote:

> Hi
> I am using wordnet-similarity to check relatedness of word pairs.
> I use for the purpose the HSO measure and LESK.
> For each word, I find all synsets from all possible parts of speech and find
> the maximum measure from all possible similarity measure couples.
> However, for the lesk I get much higher scores than I get when I try the
> online version
> http://marimba.d.umn.edu/cgi-bin/similarity.cgi
> for instance:
> bird-poultry   lesk: 490
> online version:  159
> This is my loop:
>     foreach my $sensew1 (@wordPos1) {
>             foreach my $senseSensew1 ($wn->querySense($sensew1)) {
>                 foreach my $sensew2 (@wordPos2) {
>                         foreach my $senseSensew2 ($wn->querySense($sensew2))
> {
>                             if ($senseSensew2 && $senseSensew1) {
>                                     my $lesk_relatedness =
> $lesk_measure->getRelatedness($senseSensew1, $senseSensew2);
>                                     ($lesk_error, $lesk_errString) =
> $lesk_measure->getError();
>                                     die $lesk_errString if($lesk_error > 1);
>                                     $lesk_rel = max($lesk_relatedness,
> $lesk_rel);
>                             }
>                         }
>                 }
>             }
>     }
> Can you explain me why the difference ?
> Thanks,
> Yael

Ted Pedersen

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