We will begin testing WP e-Commerce properly tomorrow - we have already had it running on a few of the recent nightly builds but we have not spent a "huge" amount of time on it...

Incidentally... has anybody else tested this already without telling me about it :P



DD32 wrote:
Hi all Testers,
Wordpress 2.5 is due to be released sometime soon(When ever its ready i believe 
- But thats another threads discussion).

But so far theres been very little bug reports flowing in for the plugin updater, So, I 
ask of you, The Testers, To grab the latest SVN copy of WordPress, install an old plugin 
(One thats available on WordPress.org) and hit the "updgrade automatically" 
link on the plugins page.

An alternative to downloading a older version of the plugin, is to simply 
change the version header of a existing plugin, For testing, i've mainly been 
using akismet:
(after changing)
Plugin Name: Akismet
Version: 2.1.0
Author: Matt Mullenweg
Author URI: http://photomatt.net/

Do the upgrade proceedure and it should click click over pretty smoothly to 
update it
If anyone has a problem while attempting an upgrade, Please post back with the 
messages shown on the upgrade page. (I'll then follow up with a plugin i have 
which should help pin-point the problem)

Note: How the upgrade proceedure works:
+ WordPress notices theres a new plugin version available, displays links on 
plugin page
+ User clicks upgrade link
+ WordPress asks for FTP details to connect to the local account to perform the 
upgrade (Note: At present, FTP is FORCED to be used for beta testing)
+ WordPress connects via ftp
+ WordPress attempts to locate the WordPress folder
+ WordPress downloads the latest .zip
+ WordPRess extracts the files from the .zip to a temporary directory
+ WordPress deletes the old plugin files
+ WordPress copies the new files into their place
+ WordPress deletes its temporary files, And upgrade complete

It could fail at any one of those steps, And given the number of failure 
points, I'm supprised theres only been 2 reports of it not working correctly 
(Both since fixed up)

I also stress, WordPress trunk is still pre-beta stage, It is not designed to 
work in production environments right now, While i use it on a live site 
without any problems, I cant guarantee you wont have trouble, Try running it on 
a test install first, then it everythings running allright, only then decide to 
try it on your live setup :)

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