Laurence Keijmel - DjLorenzo wrote:
I just downloaded RC1 and applied it to my blog and when I updated one of my
static pages(protected) all of the html code was stripped, so all my
headings, paragraphs, bold text and code block were changed in static text
and put at one line(no line-breaks).
Also when I edit the page and goto HTML view, all of the HTML is stripped
out so I think it has to do something with the cleanup of tinyMCE. I didn't
see a ticket of this in trac so I thought I will post it here.

The WordPress editor (either TinyMCE or HTML) is meant to store the pages in the database and formats the html for that. It is not set to edit static pages.

Best way to have purely static page in WordPress is to make it a template, then include it in the page hierarchy by creating a WordPress Page and applying that template to it.

In HTML view the editor hides the P tags only, should be able to see the rest.
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