Laurence Keijmel - DjLorenzo wrote:
Andrew Ozz wrote:
The WordPress editor (either TinyMCE or HTML) is meant to store the pages
in the database and formats the html for that. It is not set to edit static
Best way to have purely static page in WordPress is to make it a template,
then include it in the page hierarchy by creating a WordPress Page and
applying that template to it.
In HTML view the editor hides the P tags only, should be able to see the

Well it is a wordpress page which I'm editing(so a page made in Wordpress).
I know it is hiding the p-tags but it loses layout when switching views.
It's also happening with posts(existing and new ones).

I put some screenshots on-line,
It's been tested with FF2.0, FF3.0b4, IE6, IE7.

I will update with the latest build soon and see if the problem still

I've just tried copying and pasting the same post that is on the screenshots and it worked well... The editor removes all line breaks from the content, but never seen it strip tags. Perhaps the upgrade will fix it.
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