Musing Minds wrote:
I had the ctl-V twice issue on 2.3.3 using the tinyMCE Advanced plugin. I
just grinned and bore it.

Now with tinyMCE Advanced I can't get two or more lines of icons in the
visual editor. I can only get one line so I have had to pick and choose
which tools to use.

I uploaded 2.5 RC2 yesterday and only got the double Ctrl-V annoyance on
second post.  I can tell you that having to do that twice pretty much
my wanting to blog on RC2 again (so far today no posts).  I reference a
of difference sources, so to have to do Ctrl-V *twice* AND reformat after
I've finally pasted sucks up time I don't have. I asked around an no one I
know using WP2.3.3 has had to press Ctrl-V twice.

The popup is disabled since Changeset 7556. Everyone hated it :)

TinyMCE Advanced is not yet compatible with WordPress 2.5 and TinyMCE 3. New version will be out soon.
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