Even though I have not received any feedback on the issue I raised below, I had hoped someone would have at least looked at it.

I can not so happily confirm that this bug made it into WP2.5, which prevents cat exclusions from next/prev post links (get_adjacent_post).

This is specifically important for larger blogs with many objects since there can be multiple objects with the same ID, but diff term_taxonomy_id 's (e.g. links -> taxonomy=link_category)!

In case you need to get previous_post_link/next_post_link to work again, here is a fix:

wp-includes/link-template:  line 556-

           if ( !empty($excluded_categories) ) {
$posts_in_ex_cats_sql = " AND tt.term_id NOT IN (" . implode($excluded_categories, ',') . ') AND tt.taxonomy = "category"';

*AND tt.taxonomy = "category"'* has been added

It is quite disturbing, that saving a normal post will in fact create two entries in `wp_term_relationships`. One entry connecting (rightfully so) the post to the category chosen and a second one to a *link-category* ???

It seems to always be the same link category.

For normal blog usage this may be still be ugly but irrelevant but it does break for instance advanced search plugins and possibly other.


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