I disagree with that. The difference here is that WordPress _does_ have a way to order pages in core -- it's just very cumbersome. This would be improving the usability of something that already exists in core, not adding some new functionality. As such, it is an entirely legitimate candidate for addition to core.

Page ordering is already there.  Making it easy to use is a good idea.


On Apr 28, 2008, at 7:31 AM, Alexander Beutl wrote:

WordPress is - first of all - a blogging plattform which has the capaibities to handle so called "pages" because there is a need for them (only think
about impressum and stuff).

Even when you use it as a sort of CMS you will not have to rearange your nav
structure very often (if you do, there will be some issues with SEO)

Anyway it is nice to have a plugin which can handle this - but one shouldn't
blow up core by adding things 95% or more will never need.

Stephen Rider

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