The new Edit Image dialog is still "work in progress", so features could be added/removed/changed before it's finalized.

It combines editing of both the image and the link at the same time and follows the Insert Media dialog to standardize on several css classes for arranging images: anignleft, alignright, aligncenter, alignnone.

Perhaps they could be defined in wp_head, so if a particular theme doesn't have them, images are still aligned properly. Currently the alignment is hard-coded with inline css for each image, but IMHO using classes is better.

Adding the hspace, vspace and border as inline css shortcuts seems a good idea too, so users can enter them easier.

Stefano Aglietti wrote:
PS the new plugin is not gettext yet, but I suppose it's someething
you know...

Yes, the translation strings aren't in yet, will be added as soon as all features are finalized.
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