Upon seeing your comment here I updated my locally installed WordPress Sandbox to 2.6, upgraded the DB when prompted and the login continued with no problems, logged in fine. The only things I may have done differently is that I never overwrite directories and files during an upgrade with the exception of the root files, they're safe enough to overwrite. I've had more WP bloggers tell me that an upgrade borked their site, the admin's all "messed up" etc, and 9 times out of 10 they overwrote files and directories during a major upgrade. Once they go back and delete "wp-admin" and "wp-includes" entirely and then upload the new versions of those directories and overwirte the root files again just in case and everytime (so far) things are fine after that.

I also replaced my current "wp-config.php" with the 2.6 "wp-config-sample.php" after copying over my username and password data and then renaming to "wp-config". The format of the 2.6 "wp-config.php" has been changed again even though it really shouldn't keep you from logging in if you used an older one.

Not saying this is your problem, just pointing out what I did differently.

Other than that it really looks like Firefox 3.0.1 is not getting the WP cookie required to log in which is the only reason you could log into your admin with IE and not Firefox that I can think of.

By the way, what version of WP did you upgrade over?

Jonathan Gabor wrote:
Is it just me that can't login with Fx3.0.1 after doing a ordinary backup
(overwriting all files)?
It works fine in IE7, though. I even went in and disabled all plugins that
could possibly be interfering, but still no go...
We've tried with several different installations of Fx3.0.1, and it just
tells me to "Please login again", after doing the database-upgrade.

Jonathan Gabor
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