
I know this is sounds like a "stupid check" but make sure the visual editor is enabled via the appropriate check box in your User account (the top section).

I upgraded yesterday and performed upgrades for several friends of mine and they haven't experienced this problem. For whatever reason, the visual editor might not be enabled in your case.

Hope this is it.

Dispoweb2.0[Ghaith] wrote:

I upgrade yesterday my WP install from 2.5.1 to 2.6 stable, when I enter to
my panel to write a post, I don't find the visual editor, the 2 links (
Visual / HTML ) exist but I have always the HTML one.

I think it's a bug with TinyMCE but don't find it exactly.

I'm using 5 plugins ( AllInOne SEO Pack, Nextgen gallery, inTouch,
Subscribe2 and Google XML Sitemaps ), I disabled them all and try To write a
post but get always the same problem.

Kind regards,

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